Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fast Write!

I think getting pregnant young should be some form of illegal. It's like condemning newborns to horrible lives. Teens around the world use pregnancy as an attention option. Nowadays, there are shows that have almost a hidden meaning, "Pregnant at sixteen = good!". No. Girls use babies to keep boyfriends, as well. It's emotional blackmail. Why any moronic girl would plan on being with child as a teen is beyond me. That being said, I can also add that I have nothing against abortion. Would you prefer to give your child such an unhealthy life over not giving them to chance to experience it at all? I can see the valid arguments on both sides, but my opinion stands. Kids are a massive responsibility and any teenager that thinks they're ready for a baby, let alone to try to conceive to keep "Mr. Perfect" is immature to no end.